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Jul 08, 2023

Is Maine at risk of being transformed into a bastion for white-supremacist neo-Nazi deadbeats such as the loser who claims to be setting up a paramilitary training camp in the woods of Springfield, 70 miles northeast of Bangor?

Sen. Joe Baldacci (D-Penobscot) seems to think so.

In fact, he’s so alarmed that he called on Gov. Janet Mills and Attorney General Aaron Frey to not only bring pressure to bear on this group, “but to try to force them out of the state altogether.”

To drive that point home, Baldacci went on:

“It’s time for the Governor, the Attorney General of Maine, the Penobscot County District Attorney, and the U.S. Attorney to work on shutting these Nazis down and sending this guy back to Texas.”

In addition to pushing for some sort of deportation order, Baldacci is proposing legislation to explicitly outlaw the neo-Nazi encampment in Springfield. That proposal will need to gain initial approval by legislative leaders in October, prior to consideration by the full Legislature when it reconvenes in January.

Not to be outdone in the outrage department, Speaker of the House Rachel Talbot Ross (D-Portland) weighed in with her own declaration of solidarity in a joint statement with Senate President Troy Jackson (D-Aroostook):

“Maine is not and never will be a haven for abhorrent individuals and hateful ideologies…Together, Mainers can band together to drown out these disturbing and dangerous voices, and make clear that these hate groups will not be welcomed or tolerated here.”

If Talbot Ross and Baldacci can stop hyper-ventilating for just a few minutes, it might sink in on them that they already have a statute on the books that should be sufficient to gag and bankrupt just about anyone Maine’s neo-Marxist ruling class deems undesirable – regardless of whether the offender is left, right, or center.

LD 868, “An Act to Extend the Protections of the Maine Civil Rights Act to Actions That Cause Emotional Distress or Fear of Violence,” was co-sponsored by Talbot Ross and Baldacci, and signed by Gov. Mills on June 23, 2023. It takes effect in October.

The new statute is so broadly written that just about anyone alleged to have caused a member of a protected minority class to experience “emotional distress” can be dragged into court and subjected to fines, restraining orders, and lawyers’ fees. If Attorney General Frey can keep his hands on the keyboard and off the hired help, he will be armed with a bludgeon that’s sure to chill any exercise of free speech that offends left-wing progressive sensibilities.

Tell those white nationalist bastards to lawyer up, here comes AG Frey and his posse of prosecutors!

In any case, I don’t believe for a moment that the brouhaha about neo-Nazis lurking in the Springfield woods is what it appears to be. The timing is just too convenient.

Over the past four years, Maine has been overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrants, almost all of them from sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti. Now, out of nowhere, appears a self-proclaimed admirer of Adolph Hitler to tell the “new Mainers” they’re not welcome here.

I have no evidence that the sudden appearance of neo-Nazis in Maine is a false flag operation, but whatever it is, it doesn’t pass the cui bono (who benefits?) test. What better way for the cheap-labor, open-borders lobby and its allies in the Fake News media to discredit critics of the immigrant surge than to link those critics to know-nothing white supremacists?

Talbot Ross in particular has a history of stoking racial animosity and falsely portraying Maine and America as systemically racist. Get a load of this ignorant pronouncement she made on Maine Public Radio four years ago:

“Starting in the early 1920s, the very first public march in hoods by the KKK was done in Milo, Maine and that history of white supremacy continues to this day.”

Get it? Race relations in Maine are the same today as they were a hundred years ago. Pay no mind to the tiny historical detail that the KKK of 1920s Maine was almost exclusively dedicated to harassing white French Catholics. Thanks for that insight, Rachel. You proved once again that it’s impossible to have an intelligent dialogue on race with a rabid cultural Marxist who’s willfully divorced from reality.

Good grief, how did she ever become Speaker of the House in a white supremacist state?

Contrary to Madam Speaker’s hallucinations of racial victimhood, the truth is that anti-white racism is now so commonplace in our daily lives that it hardly raises an eyebrow anymore.

When the Expo in Portland was functioning as a shelter for illegal immigrants and asylum seekers this summer, homeless white Mainers didn’t get any of those beds. In fact, many Maine military veterans who happen to be white continue to sleep in Portland’s sprawling tent cities while “new Mainers” who happen to be black are being put up at taxpayer expense in area hotels. Is that racist? You tell me.

When the swampy non-profit Avesta Housing completed 52 new apartment units in South Portland earlier this year, illegal immigrants who identify as “asylum seekers” were given preference; they went to the head of the line as more than 1,000 applications poured in. “Old Mainers” who happen to be white were shoved aside to make way for “new Mainers” who happen to be black. Is that racist? You tell me.

Remember five years ago when then-Speaker of the House Mark Eves told an audience of self-loathing leftist radicals at a Maine People’s Alliance campaign event in Portland that Maine’s whiteness is “bad news”? Wasn’t that racist hate speech that could trigger “emotional distress”? You tell me.

Going forward, it’s entirely predictable how Maine’s shamelessly dishonest Fake News outlets will handle these two competing news stories. The Governor’s five-year plan to bring 75,000 unskilled laborers to Maine, including illegal immigrants and asylum applicants, will get minimal coverage because it’s so insane and so unpopular. On the other hand, Baldacci’s proposal to bust up the neo-Nazi compound will attract lots of positive media coverage because it’s a distraction from the catastrophic consequences of open borders – and an opportunity to smear critics of illegal immigration as Nazi sympathizers.

Both proposals are on a legislative track for consideration by the Legislature when it reconvenes in January.

Baldacci’s bill to banish the neo-Nazis will go first when it comes before the Legislative Council on October 26, 2023. Between now and then, we can expect lots of sympathetic news coverage portraying Baldacci as a hero smashing the useful idiots’ dream of building a white ethnostate in Maine. Meanwhile, the continued influx of unskilled foreign nationals who don’t speak English and need housing, food, and medical care will likely be ignored altogether, or given sympathetic coverage.

By the time the Legislature returns to Augusta, the flying monkeys who identify as Maine journalists will have the stage set for another installment of the theater of the absurd at the Coliseum on the Kennebec. The skids will be greased for passage of Gov. Mills’ five-year plan to transform Maine into a poverty-stricken, rural New England version of decadent San Francisco. And Sen. Baldacci’s virtue-signaling bill to counter the imaginary rising tide of white nationalism in Maine will take center stage and generate thunderous applause from legislators and lobbyists alike on its way to enactment.

So…here is the question Mainers need to answer:

Which is the bigger threat to life and liberty in Maine? A few neo-Nazi bigots playing with guns in the woods of Springfield, or the legions of neo-Marxist tyrants in the corridors of power at the Statehouse?